If you are a bit daunted about learning Danish, we have prepared a short list of useful phrases:
Good day – Goddag
My name is... - With navn er...
How are you? – Hvordan går det?
Fine, thanks – Nå, tak
Here you are (in reply) – Værsgo
Thank you – Tak
Sorry – Undskyld
Goodbye! – Farvel!
Bye (informal) – Hej-hej!
Good morning – God morning!
Good evening – Godaften!
Good night – Godnat!
I do not understand that – It continues to be all Ikke.
Can you help me? – Can you hjælpe mig?
Do you speak English? –Thaler du engelsk?
Good luck! – Held ok lykke!
Have a good trip! – God rejse!
Congratulations! – Tillykke!
Cheers! – Cheers!
What time is it? – Hvad er tap?
Can you say that again? – Can you say it again?
Could you speak a little slower? – Vil du tale lidt langsommere?
Why not have a go at speaking the Danish language and then tell us which is your favourite word or expression in Danish!
Regional differences and dialects
As with any language, Danish is divided into several dialects. These can be split into three main categories:
- Jutlandic, also called West Danish, is very widely used, and is spoken throughout the mainland (Jutland).
- If you have chosen an island holiday this year, you will certainly enjoy the melodious sound of the island Danish dialect spoken on Funen, Zealand, Lolland, Falster, Ærø, and Møn.
- Although Bornholm is also an island, the locals have their own dialect – Bornholmsk or East Danish.
As often happens, you hear a word and you don't know what it means, but it conjures up some kind of association in your head. So many funny mix-ups can happen!
One of our favourites, for example, is the word "gift". Everyone thinks that gift means a present (a gift). But the Danes have come up with another meaning – "gift" in Danish means married!
They call beer "øl", although it is not at all oily and in Denmark "pige" is a girl. To make things even more confusing, the Danish word for VAT is "moms"– which has nothing to do with mothers!
If you need professional translations in Danish (or Norwegian, Swedish or Finnish), our native translators in Copenhagen will be happy to help you!
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